Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall Fun

We went to the park to gather leaves to make a trash bag spider...notice no picture of it...well that is because it turned out to be a pretty sore sight! The same night we made it, we had a snow storm come in and destroy it. The spider is still on our front lawn, but literally looks like a pile of trash! Oh well...we did try to get into the Harvest spirit this year!

Here are some pictures that we took at the park. I love visiting the park in the fall and will probably go back there this weekend to get some fall pictures of the kids, camera and child permitting. My camera is about five years old, and doesn't always work (hint for Kevin...Christmas is approaching and we are going to have another child soon...maybe a reliable camera is on my list)!

I love this picture of Kate, she is growing into a very pretty little girl! I was lucky to capture a picture of Kate and Abram because Abram thinks it is funny to run away from the camera...he is at that age!

Here is Kate raking leaves...she was really getting into it! She made me laugh, and everyone who walked by asked if they could take her home to help rake their leaves...I am sure she would have gone if I would have let her!

Happy Fall Season is my favorite!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Venting Time...

Well, today I officially nominate Abram into his terrible twos! He has the sweetest face...but is driving me insane. I can't believe the little monster he has become. He won't eat...anything...this morning I went into the kitchen and Kevin had given him lunch meat, cheese, and cracker for lunch. He didn't take one bit, but threw it all on the floor. He won't sleep. I put him down for a nap this morning and two minutes later I heard a little voice calling "mama.......mama...." I went to his door and realized he had learned to crawl out of his crib. It's a sad day in the Carpenter home. Needless to say he hasn't slept at all today. Kevin and I decided to turn his crib into a toddler bed, but we both know it isn't going to work. I just don't know what to do with him. I tell you...Danner's kennel is looking pretty good right now. All I have to do is clean it out, put some blankets in it and shut him in! But don't worry...I won' need to call CPS!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Naughty...Naughty Boy...

Funny man...thinks it is fun to swim in MY bath with his clothes on! All I wanted was 15 minutes of peace with a yummy smelling bath to relax in. Instead I was invaded by my troops and ultimately had to surrender my bath is this butt head. Oh well...the pictures are worth it!

Month 5...and counting!

Well...we will be welcoming another beautiful baby girl into the Carpenter house hold. I am so excited! I am kinda scared of another attitude joining the "girl clan" at the Carpenter home...but none the less...I am ecstatic! (As I say son is running around the house with a blanket over his head so he can't see...I guess either way...busy is all I can say!) We haven't decided on a name yet...we can't agree. So we have a few options...nothing stands out yet. Some suggestions have been Bella and Violet, but we will see...I guess I have a few more months!

